Salt Lake Acting Company

Title I Arts Education Program

Title I Arts Education Program

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The holiday season at SLAC centers on a play or musical for children and families, always based on a beloved children’s book. As the only theatre company in the state that offers fully professional theatre specifically for young children, we understand our responsibility to share our work with those unable to afford a ticket.

bubble image of kids

Photo credit: David Daniels

Children between the ages of 5 and 7 are at a critical developmental stage to absorb arts experiences. The children we serve through the Title I Arts Education Program are endlessly forging new connections- the opportunity to experience a professional theatrical performance expands their thinking, brings what they are learning in school to life in dynamic and stimulating ways, and ultimately promotes deep engagement in the learning process.

Pre-COVID, we’d host K-2 classrooms from Title I schools -- an age group for whom field trips are rare experiences. Over the course of ten free performances, we’d perform for over 2,000 children each year.

In 2020, we offered an enhanced video of Climbing With Tigers to classrooms across the state and reached over 6,300 -- more than triple our in-person capacity. As SLAC’s Arts Education programming continues to grow amidst the pandemic, we aim to provide vibrant, developmentally appropriate theatrical work ready to be implemented into early educators’ curricula. We are strong believers in the necessity for Arts inclusion in education and hope to share our uniquely intimate and singularly professional theatre experiences with young children in our local community and beyond.

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